When to Worry about Taxes for Your Handmade Biz

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In less than 45 minutes, you'll learn what sort of tax & financial responsibilities you have as a creative business owner.

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paper + spark

Ready to get confident about your financial responsibilities as an online seller?

You can with the Get Legit Toolkit® - a step-by-step guide for creatives to build their shop's financial foundation with confidence! Helping online sellers make sense of their finances since 2017.

Your exclusive invitation to enroll in the Toolkit ends in just...

I'm ready for peace of mind now!

Introducing the Get Legit Toolkit®

get legit toolkit

Your comprehensive resource to getting your finances set up right, created especially for handmade sellers.

  • As an experienced handmade seller and Certified Public Accountant, I’ve helped hundreds of handmade sellers over the years. I’ve heard your struggles, answered your questions, and discussed the challenges of dealing with the financial responsibilities of running an online shop. 
  • And one of the biggest hurdles is this: you simply don't know what they all are. No one's giving you the big picture. You're worried about breaking "the rules" without even knowing what all the rules are. 
  • I’ve taken note every time I hear a creative biz owner say, “I wish I would’ve known THAT when I started out.” or “If only someone had explained that to me when I opened up shop, I would've been doing it right all along!”. I compiled all those topics, answers and issues in one place for you - The Get Legit Toolkit.  
  • Whether you’re in the research phase of setting up your business, just about to open your Etsy shop, or even if you’ve been around for a while and have some catching up to do, the Get Legit Toolkit offers you a comprehensive guide of all the steps you need to take to get clear on your financial responsibilities as a business owner.  

You don't have to feel terrified anymore.

You need to know the answers to these questions:

  • How does sales tax work? (and do I even have to deal with that?!)
  • Does it matter if this is a hobby or a business? 
  • How much money should I save each month for taxes? 
  • I don’t have to worry about reporting this until I make a certain amount in sales, right? 
  • What's an LLC and should I be one? 
  • What the heck is cost of goods sold?
  • How am I supposed to pay myself?
  • Which of these tax rules apply to me and which don't?

"WOW! Where have you been all this time!? Your explanations, text, and visuals are just what I’ve needed for so long. I can definitely say I have a greater understanding of my business than I’ve ever had before!"

- Melissa, Get Legit Toolkit® student

You CAN get your financial ducks in a row so you have more time to do what you love.

With the Get Legit Toolkit®, you will:

  • Have easy-to-use financial systems that you actually understand - like your bookkeeping system and your bank account.
  • Understand and fulfill your county, state, and federal requirements so that you never get dinged during tax season.
  • Understand how taxes work, what's expected of you, and when things are due, in order to avoid owing a TON of money unexpectedly.
  • Know exactly what to expect at year-end and tax time - no surprises for this numbers-savvy lady!
  • Rest assured that you're not missing any important steps or details.
  • Sleep easy at night knowing that you ARE legit! 
janet Leblanc
I need this ASAP!

What students are saying...

"I just wanted to thank you again for creating the Get Legit Toolkit. It was exactly what I was looking for! Before I actually started a handmade business I wanted to make sure I had all my ducks in a row because I didn’t want to get in a sticky situation tax wise or legally down the road."

"Started the Get Legit Toolkit course this afternoon. Got my EIN, printed the application for my DBA, confirmed that I am in really good shape as far as sales tax is concerned, and decent shape as far as bookkeeping is concerned, but relieved to know I am doing those right. I feel well prepared to open a business account easily once I file for my DBA. On to module 6 tomorrow and feeling really grateful to be confident about where I am at in all of the above areas 😊 Thanks, Janet!"

"Starting on Module 5 this week! Lots of great information; this course is forcing me to reevaluate how I'm keeping track of my finances (was poorly, but now it's getting better), and to sit down and really review everything I've done financial-wise for my business. It's been, in some ways, an eye-opening experience, and will help me to make better decisions in the future."

What's included in the Get Legit Toolkit®?

Well, in addition to major peace of mind...

The Toolkit includes 7 modules covering the foundations of setting up the financial side of your creative biz - from banking and bookkeeping to income and sales taxes. I include not just the basics of getting a legitimate business set up (action tasks), but also the must-know concepts that are essential to running your business smoothly. 

My goal is for you to finish the course with a correctly set up business AND a feeling of confidence going forward.  

Module 1: Banking

  • Separating business from personal funds
  • Opening a bank account and must-know terms
  • How to find the best bank for your biz

Module 2: Bookkeeping

  • Comparing bookkeeping options for makers
  • What you should record each month
  • How to get your paperwork organized
  • How to pay yourself

Module 3: State Sales Tax

  • Everything you need to know about how sales tax works in YOUR location
  • Registering for your sales tax permit
  • What you can expect when filing your sales tax forms
  • How to set your shop to correctly charge sales tax
  • A review of the latest changes to online sales tax and what affects you

Module 4: State & Local Licenses

  • Other business licenses & permits that might apply to you
  • Business entities
  • Whether an LLC is right for you right now

Module 5: Federal Income Tax

  • Registering for your EIN
  • How income tax works for your business (and affects your personal situation)
  • Guide to the Schedule C and common business deductions
  • How self-employment tax works

Module 6: Saving for Taxes

  • How long you need to keep receipts
  • How much to save for taxes throughout the year
  • Whether you should be paying estimated quarterly taxes
  • What to expect at the end of the year

Module 7: Inventory for Makers

  • What is inventory and cost of goods sold, and why it matters
  • How to keep track of inventory in your books
  • What to do at year end with your inventory

Bonus Modules

  • Interpreting your Etsy reports and 1099-K
  • Depreciation for makers workshop with a pro tax preparer
  • Vetted tools & resources guide for makers
  • Audio stream private podcast of ALL lessons to listen on the go

Exclusive Super Toolkit Bonuses (included!)

  •  One-hour US safety compliance workshop and Q&A with expert Misty Henry
  •  Exclusive money mindset workshop with Janet - get over your money hangups & insecurities with these tools & resources
  •  Handmade Website Jumpstart from BexMarie

The Toolkit is designed to make these sometimes difficult concepts as engaging and understandable as possible.

We often learn better with visuals - seeing the work in action, hearing real life examples, and putting pen to paper. This isn’t just a course where you read a bunch of dry, boring material. You will be literally checking items of the list as you go. When you’re done, you’ll be left with a totally legit business with all your financial ducks in a row.

get legit toolkit

What will your biz look like after you finish the Get Legit Toolkit®?

Your bank account and bookkeeping system will be set up with confidence.

Your biz will be squared away with all its local, state, and federal requirements.

You'll feel confident about dealing with tax time and understand your financial forms & responsibilities.

You'll be ready to have a profitable business without worrying about missing a detail! 

You'll be able to sleep easy knowing your money's safe.

Let's Do This!

Your enrollment includes:

  • Lifetime access to the Get Legit Toolkit® course content
  • Private Facebook community for support + questions
  • Audio stream access to learn on-the-go
  • All bonus lessons
Pay in Full $297

Enrollment closes in...

NOW is the best time to get legit.

janet Leblanc get legit toolkit

Not laying the proper financial foundation for your business can result in fines, penalties, stress, and anxiety

Do it right. You can’t afford to NOT set your business up correctly.

You have two choices to get legit:

1️⃣ Hodge-podge together answers from FB & Google that may or may not even apply to your business or your area. Sift through confusing info that could be out of date and slowly piecemeal together your own financial foundation.

- OR-

2️⃣ Feel GOOD relying on this one-stop resource crafted by a CPA especially for e-comm sellers with all the answers you need in plain English, and save yourself HOURS of time, energy, and stress.

Treat your business like a business, not a hobby. Starting now and investing in this course means getting these items taken care of, and then moving on to the work that actually makes you money!